The Peasant and the King

Fiction. Paperback, 334 pages, apx 65,000 words. $20 via ND Media Bookstore ($30 for author signed copy); $18.95 via Amazon or Barnes and Noble E-book, $2.99 via Apple Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Book Locker. Release date: April 15, 2022 “Be humble for you are made of stardust; be noble for you areContinue reading “The Peasant and the King”

FAQ: “Global Spirituality for the Next Age,” s’up with that?

Part One Q: What do you mean by “Global?” We mean exactly what “catholic” means according to the dictionary: cath·o·licˈ (kaTH(ə)lik); adjective; including a wide variety of things; all-embracing. “Her taste in literature is pretty catholic, as she likes most genres.” synonyms: universal, diverse, diversified, wide, broad, broad-based, eclectic, liberal, latitudinarian; Origin: from Greek katholikos ‘universal,’Continue reading “FAQ: “Global Spirituality for the Next Age,” s’up with that?”

Why Ricky Gervais is a Dangerous Fundamentalist

I have a long history of being annoyed by Ricky Gervais, going back way before I saw this meme — but only in his chosen context as a commentator on religion, not his animal rights activism nor his show business persona. I think he’s a comic genius, and I have always loved his work onContinue reading “Why Ricky Gervais is a Dangerous Fundamentalist”

Aldous Huxley and the Perennial Philosophy

by JP I will let Wikipedia handle the finer details of Aldous Huxley’s biography, and stick with the themes most pertinent to our inquiry. Though most famous for his early satirical and pacifist writing (“Brave New World” being his signature work), and later for his pioneering experiments in opening “the doors of perception” through conscientiousContinue reading “Aldous Huxley and the Perennial Philosophy”

Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Prologue

My name, you ask? You are dying to know, I can tell. For I have watched you. I have seen you warring against yourself since the beginning of time, spilling your own blood for the right to call me by the names of your choosing. Part of you has imagined me as legion, and builtContinue reading “Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Prologue”