FAQ: “Global Spirituality for the Next Age,” s’up with that?

 Part Three Q: Fine. But what’s this “Next Age” thing all about? Are you holding yourselves out as prophets or something? Absolutely not. This has always been and always will be a strictly non-prophet organization. But we are hopeful that certain things will come to pass in the future. Philosophers are forward-thinkers by nature. Give usContinue reading “FAQ: “Global Spirituality for the Next Age,” s’up with that?”

FAQ: “Global Spirituality for the Next Age,” s’up with that?

Part 2 Q: OK, what about “spirituality?” Doesn’t this imply belief in supernatural beings and other tales of woo? It can, but it needn’t. Spirituality can also be the metaphysical study of reality as a non-dual experience, consistent with observable patterns of Nature. Our premise is that: 1) There is a basic truth to theContinue reading “FAQ: “Global Spirituality for the Next Age,” s’up with that?”

FAQ: “Global Spirituality for the Next Age,” s’up with that?

Part One Q: What do you mean by “Global?” We mean exactly what “catholic” means according to the dictionary: cath·o·licˈ (kaTH(ə)lik); adjective; including a wide variety of things; all-embracing. “Her taste in literature is pretty catholic, as she likes most genres.” synonyms: universal, diverse, diversified, wide, broad, broad-based, eclectic, liberal, latitudinarian; Origin: from Greek katholikos ‘universal,’Continue reading “FAQ: “Global Spirituality for the Next Age,” s’up with that?”