Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Act V

In this scene, Pedro is alone, heading out for his third tour of duty on an account that his company has been serving through the summer of 2001. It involves driving Chinese tourists from the Bay Area on grueling week-long excursions to various national parks in the Western states. (JP once racked up over 220Continue reading “Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Act V”

Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Act IV

Pedro spent much of Act III ruminating on the very limited knowledge he had of the national crisis on the East Coast, and his incredulousness over the group leaders’ decision to keep the information from the fellow passengers. Only they, Pedro, and Betty Pickett know at this point. (She found out accidentally in Act IIIContinue reading “Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Act IV”

Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Act II

At the end of Act I, the reader is reminded of something subtly mentioned in the Prologue: this entire story takes place on September 11, 2001. There is a second narrator named Joseph d’Angelo, a Brooklyn native living in New Jersey, who in Act II is an eyewitness to the planes crashing into the WorldContinue reading “Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Act II”