The Peasant and the King

Fiction. Paperback, 334 pages, apx 65,000 words. $20 via ND Media Bookstore ($30 for author signed copy); $18.95 via Amazon or Barnes and Noble

E-book, $2.99 via Apple Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Book Locker.

Release date: April 15, 2022

“Be humble for you are made of stardust; be noble for you are the Maker of stars.”

A God-seeking peasant from a mythic kingdom is unable to find peace within the doctrinal constraints of his people’s religion. One day he is called to undertake a pilgrimage to the heavenly mountaintop Palace for an audience with the King. But the hero’s journey he had imagined takes many unexpected turns that stretch his faith beyond its limits and shatter every bone of truth in his body. In his brokenness, he learns that his destination was never far away, though only his ultimate failure in chasing it could reveal what he truly was all along.

Modeled after the great allegorical tales among the world’s heritage of sacred scriptures, The Peasant and the King is a revival of traditional mythic storytelling with a unique rendition of timeless Perennial wisdom. Combining elements of Taoism, Zen Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Christian mysticism, Spinozan pantheism, panpsychism, and modern quantum theory, it reinvokes the ancient art of mythcraft as a contemplative exercise, while exemplifying the modern value of finding unity in diversity. 

Traditional spiritual teachings still hold sway over our hearts in this era of mechanistic thought. But their guardians have mostly abdicated the role of consciousness expansion in favor of fundamentalist politics and literalism. If you sense the treasure hidden among these seminal texts, The Peasant and the King delivers a needed dose of mystic insight and metaphysical heft, all within a time-bending motif that will drop you at your doorstep after a long, deep ride into the Void within.

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Do We Live the Gospel? –3.4.18

Try to Stop Trying — 3.6.18

The Peasant and the Queen? — 3.15.18

Salvo: A Preemptive Strike Against Your Rejection — 6.9.18

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Universalism: That All Shall Be Sózóed — 4.6.21


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If the cosmos is a unitary field of matter whose numeric value is One, then consciousness is also a unitary field of Mind that is One in number.

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Pez King Teaser (Chapter 1) –1.18.20

Once, upon the timeless arc of the circle of time, there was a peasant. He lived in a small village in the heart of the Kingdom, near the towering, cloud-obscured mountains where the King was said to dwell. 

Beyond These Four Walls — 12.12.20

if your ego is the main character at the center of your unique “I am” story, your soul is what your character experiences as it starts to suspect that it is being played by an actor. This experience makes no sense in the context created within the walls of the stage, but something tells you nonetheless that it’s true, that when the curtain falls on this stage, you, the actor, will persist.


Apple Books (e-book)

Amazon (paperback or Kindle)

Barnes and Noble (paperback or Nook)

Book Locker (paperback or PDF e-book) (paperback)

Kobo (e-book)

ND Media Bookstore (paperback only — buy direct from the publisher to support independent media!)

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Published by Waldo Noesta

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