The Continuing Story of Ananias and Sapphira–Deluxe 2023 Edition

E-book (PDF file)–85 pgs, apx 26,200 words. $8 via ND Media Bookstore In the New Testament’s Book of Acts, a mere eleven verses tell the story of Ananias and Sapphira, two sadsack converts who were caught defying the rules of the first Christian community in Jerusalem and promptly “gave up the ghost.” Based on theseContinue reading “The Continuing Story of Ananias and Sapphira–Deluxe 2023 Edition”

A Pantheist Pascal’s Wager

If you ever want to truly grasp the futility of taking sides in the roundabout argument between theists and atheists, I highly recommend grabbing a balcony seat for a debate over the usefulness of Pascal’s Wager. I’ve never seen such a procession of logical loop-de-loops in my life. From Wikipedia: “Pascal’s Wager is an argumentContinue reading “A Pantheist Pascal’s Wager”

Duality, in a little over 7,000 words

Duality is a slight of hand. It is a line drawn in the sand where none exists. It is the parsing of All That Is into distinct semantic thought-concepts that hide from the part its concurrent existence as the Whole. It is the subjective narrowing of attention upon an object, shrinking its full context, andContinue reading “Duality, in a little over 7,000 words”