An Apple Pie From Scratch: Demystifying Mysticism

I’m going to let you folks in on an important secret about mysticism. This is long overdue and crucial to the development of our species and both its religions and sciences, so I hope you will pay very close attention and try to really grok the distinction between what I am going to say andContinue reading “An Apple Pie From Scratch: Demystifying Mysticism”

Duality, in a little over 7,000 words

Duality is a slight of hand. It is a line drawn in the sand where none exists. It is the parsing of All That Is into distinct semantic thought-concepts that hide from the part its concurrent existence as the Whole. It is the subjective narrowing of attention upon an object, shrinking its full context, andContinue reading “Duality, in a little over 7,000 words”