“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

New Release by ND Media!

Noesta’s most ambitious work of non-fiction , “I and I: A Perennialist Theory of Reincarnation and Cyclical Time,” was released as an e-book in early June 2023. Buy it now direct from ND Media!

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Birding in the Face of Terror: “A captivating tale about the adventures of the heart. Noesta poetically describes two tales happening simultaneously on an unforgettable day in history…Highly recommended if you are searching for a novel that will stimulate your mind, as well as warm your soul.

The Peasant and the King: Weaving elements of Eastern philosophy, Christian mysticism, Spinozan pantheism, panpsychism, and quantum theory, The Peasant and the King reinvokes the ancient art of mythcraft as a contemplative exercise, with a time-bending modern twist.


The Continuing Story of Ananias and Sapphira

The Even Better News: An Avant-God Manifesto

Spiritual Anarchism: an Introduction

Snowtrek: In Search of St. Louis-du-Ha! Ha!

Beyond These Four Walls

I and I: A Perennialist Theory of Reincarnation and Cyclical Time

“Truth is One, Paths are Many”

NEW! Now you can know “where’s Waldo” all over the interwebs with one simple link:


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Waldo is now an author-affiliate with Bookshop.org, an online bookstore with a mission to support independent bookstores and give back to the book community.

Facing the chalice of non-duality from both sides since 2013

a project of ND Media

words by Waldo Noesta

design by JP

musework by Betty Pickett and Vera d’Angelo

inspiration by many

‘I and I’ be praised and adored (and that means you)


Elizabeth Shipley “Betty” Moss Pickett (2 Mar 1932 — 6 Feb 2019)

from the laptop of

Not Two Studios

Lodi, New York

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Diligent effort has been made to refrain from using copyright-protected images, or to ascertain the rightsholder in order to obtain permission to use desirable and pertinent images. A common exception to this are memes and infographics which have been used on social media sites and in some cases altered and reproduced beyond all reasonable claim of private ownership, yet may technically qualify for DMCA protection. Regardless of source, all images on this site are used with gratitude and in consideration of the Fair Use provision to Limitations on Exclusive Rights, which we claim to be applicable to this educational, non-profit resource which offers both commentary and scholarship relevant to the public interest in the field of theology and spiritual inquiry. However, we also don’t want to be dickheads, so if you are the owner of any copyrighted material used here and you aren’t thrilled about that, please contact JP at hermitcrab72@gmail.com, and it will be removed or correctly attributed per your request in good faith and without question or hesitation. Thank you for your understanding.