Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Prologue

My name, you ask? You are dying to know, I can tell. For I have watched you. I have seen you warring against yourself since the beginning of time, spilling your own blood for the right to call me by the names of your choosing. Part of you has imagined me as legion, and builtContinue reading “Excerpt from “Birding in the Face of Terror” — Prologue”


Ever wonderhow many sunrisesyou have left in this life?If you are thinking of a number,please,stop whatever you are doing.You are not free here.Somebody owns the name you call yourself,and it isn’t you.This is what it means to sayyour days are numbered–in truth, they are numberless.The sun never sets on you.You feel like the fulcrum of aContinue reading “Somewhere”

A Prayer for the Sword-bearers (and a Message to the Defended)

I will start with three different viewpoints on the use of force to protect oneself and control others –three dramatically different perspectives that all seem to ring true. ARJUNA: Bhimsa and Drona are noble and ancient, worthy of the deepest reverence.  How can I greet them with arrows, in battle? If I kill them, how canContinue reading “A Prayer for the Sword-bearers (and a Message to the Defended)”


God is fucking God somewhere, right now, in a basement apartment on a battered fold-out couch with sweat-stained sheets and an old Amish quilt. Her lascivious moans and the rhythmic creaking of the springs permeate the paper thin walls of the universe like the primal bang that brought forth creation from her yoni. Don’t likeContinue reading “Afterglow”

Forbidden Fruit

It’s simple, really: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was planted in your mother’s womb.   Heaven is your next mother’s womb, and yes, Forbidden fruit awaits you there as well.   The game ends when you no longer desire Heaven, because you’ve found it Here Now.

When a Great Person Dies

When a righteous person dies, grown men sob like frightened babies.   When a virtuous person dies, great mobs of mourners crowd around the casket, as if they want to be buried with him.   When a great person dies, eloquent eulogies are delivered while entire nations watch and weep. We say things like, “HeContinue reading “When a Great Person Dies”

Only Words

My dear soul-friend, Words are all that separates you from the boundless loving embrace of God. Only words.   If this is so, is it possible that words are also the remedy?   Perhaps, but only if their sole purpose is to tell all the other words to kindly SHUT UP.